“Peu de cinéastes comprennent aussi bien les arts visuels que Jennifer Alleyn.”
“Jennifer Alleyn poursuit sa quête sensible sur le rôle de l’art … Une réflexion
fascinante sur la vie, l’art, la philosophie...”
Documentary / 58 min. / Canada / HD / 16:9 / 2011
A volunteer soldier in 1914 and witness to the rise of Nazism in 1933, the German painter Otto Dix depicted the ravages and horrors of war. With unsparing lucidity, he portrayed scenes that are disturbing and shocking. Art was his weapon. The master who said, “I need courage to paint ugliness,” rendered the chaos around him in a manner both brutally honest and humane.
CAST Nathalie Bondil, Jan Dix, Peter Duchesne, Anne Grace, Florian Karsch et Katerina Konig
IMAGE Jennifer Alleyn, Sebastien Gros
SOUND Bruno Pucella, Joel Fleisher,
SOUND MIX Éric Tessier
PRODUCER Luc Châtelaine, Echo Média
DISTRIBUTION Caméra B FIlms camerabfilms@gmail.com
TO ORDER THE DVD: Contact camerabfilms@gmail.com
Film career
Selected for the Pessac International Film Festival (France), Ten times Dix won the ARTV World Tremplin Award at the 29th Montreal International Film Festival (FIFA). He was subsequently presented in regular programming for the public at Cinéma Beaubien and Cinéma Le Clap.